Is Trapping Necessary?

Regulated trapping programs are necessary to manage wildlife populations

Montana's Furbearers

Check out Montana's Furbearing and Non-Furbearing Animals

Miss Rodeo Montana

Montana's First Lady of Rodeo


The MTA is a leader on important issues for the trapping, furbearing and wildlife community in Montana and nationally.


The Official Publication of the MTA. Provides articles, officer, district and committee updates and information.


The best way to reach trappers and outdoorsmen and women in Montana and serious trappers who have a need to purchase supplies.

F4WM/MTA Cooperative Raffle

Only 100 Tickets Available - $50 each
WIN a Weatherby 7mm Vanguard Outfitter Rifle
Proceeds go to the MTA


Years of trapping and wildlife management

We are concerned and active conservationists who promote proper management of Montana's furbearers, who develop proper predator control, maintain a positive public image and help perpetuate quality habitat.

And the development and application of proper and effective predator control methods, and to develop and maintain the public image of trapping as a legitimate, desirable, and compatible enterprise of modern man; to stimulate an increased understanding and awareness of the impact of modern society and man on his environment.

Quick Links

Grizzly Bear Management and Conservation
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is committed to maintaining the long-term viability of grizzly bears while prioritizing human safety

Grizzly bears in Montana are an iconic native species with high value to people and cultures across the state and around the world and play important roles in Montana ecosystems and economies. At the same time, they can and do injure or kill people and livestock and cause property damage and economic loss, which may disproportionately affect individuals living and working in bear country. Their potential presence is both valued and feared.

Management and Conservation
Status of Grizzly Bears
FWP Recovery Plan
Mortality Dashboard

Upcoming Events


April 12, 2025

Anaconda, MT


June 2025

Augusta, MT


Aug 22-23, 2025

Destroying the Myth

Learn the truth about trapping


Wild Headlines


Miss Rodeo Montana

Montana's First Lady of Rodeo

Miss Rodeo Montana 2024 Amber LaCross
and Miss Teen Rodeo Montana 2024 Rachel Lowitt

Purpose of Miss Rodeo Montana

  • To promote western heritage and rodeo within the State of Montana.

  • To organize, develop, strengthen, correlate, participate and conduct the Miss Rodeo Montana Pageant and participate in the Miss Rodeo America Pageant. To annually develop, organize and conduct the Miss Rodeo Montana Pageant following the current Miss Rodeo America, Inc. rules.

  • To support, guide and direct the reigning Miss Rodeo Montana and to prepare her to participate in the Miss Rodeo America Pageant.


Your friends and neighbors who are

more than just trappers

Who we are

a non-profit organization of concerned and active conservationists

Become a member

choose to invest in a membership in the MTA

Show your MTA pride

Show your support for the MTA with apparel and more


Proper principles that guide management decisions

North American Model

The basis for policies developed by wildlife conservation organizations

Two Basic Principles

Manage for optimum population levels forever

Traps Today

Common myths and the real facts behind traps

Fact or Myth

Foothold traps are effective because they can be concealed

Facts About Furs

All life depends upon other living organisms

Do We Have A Right?

All leading conservation organizations accept the responsible, sustainable use of renewable resources

Farmed Fur

The majority of pelts used in the world fur trade now come from farms

Not Wild Animals

Selectively bred for for several characteristics

The Protest Industry

The animal rights activist is not about animal rights

Rights vs Welfare

Do you know the difference?


There are many wonderful charities doing good deeds

Where do donations go?

A simple online search can expose you to a lot of positive and negative information