Youth Trapper Camp

General Information & Registration



Youth Trapper Camp


June 13-15, 2025


Augusta, MT

Youth Trapper Camp will once again be held on a private ranch for 2025 due to reconstruction at the previous site near Havre. As it was last year, we'll be roughing it and a tent or camper is required along with the appropriate clothing and supplies necessary. Meals will be provided as always.



  • $50.00/camper
  • $30.00/youth camper with scholarship
  • Camp fees are non-refundable after May 15, 2025


2802 MT Hwy 21
Augusta, MT

Look for the BARN WEDDINGS sign
The actual address is the family house, not the barn

Camp Pictures


Camp Fee Includes

  • Meals, drinks and snacks
  • Educational materials
  • Portfolio of Information
  • Note pad, pen, pencil, etc
  • Jr MTA membership (optional), with The Trapper and Predator Caller if not already being received in the household
  • Youth Trapper Camp T-shirt
  • Youth Trapper Camp attendance certificate
  • Automatic entry into any drawings, raffles or giveaways, which the attendee may be eligible for

Attendees are responsible for supplying tents, RVs, camping trailer, sleeping bag or bedroll, flashlight, rain gear, clothes, coats, personal care items (comb, toothbrush, etc)

Classes and Name Tags

Campers, chaperons, camp personnel and instructors will be divided into groups or Families - BEAVER, MINK, MARTEN, BOBCAT, etc. Each with a designated chaperon, to use for rotation of classes. Campers will be supplied with a name tag with this information on it. Please note on your application if you wish to be placed with a certain group or person. Otherwise you will be assigned a family designation. The name tag will also be used as a meal ticket.

Restroom Accommodations

Potable water for drinking and cooking

Camp Cleanup

Parents and guardians bringing attendees are encouraged to share in these duties.

Schedules & Menu

Attendees may start arriving around noon and continue throughout the afternoon. Evening meal is scheduled for around 6p. Schedules and itineraries will be provided upon your arrival and check in.


It is the intent of the Youth Trapper Camp that the camp be filled with exciting learning experiences, new friendships and fun. Parents or guardians who transport campers to and from the Youth Trapper Camp site are encouraged to register, stay on site, sleep over and take meals with the attendees, instructors and other volunteers. Parents and guardians may volunteer to chaperon, help serve meals, clean up, etc. or within area. To help make this a good experience, everyone should be considerate of others, participate fully in the event and observe the rules outlined below. The rules are intended to assist in providing for the health, safety and social well-being of everyone at camp. If a situation or question arises which is not clearly covered by this list, ask the chaperon before acting.

  1. Attendees under the age of 10 years or those with special needs must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  2. Attendees under the age of 7 years may register as "Pre 1st Year"
  3. Attendees must be at least 7 years of age to register as "1st Year"
  4. Attendees must be at least 8 years of age to register as "2nd Year"
  5. Attendees must be at least 9 years of age to register as "Advanced"
  6. Be pleasant and cooperative; all participants will enjoy themselves more.
  7. Respect supervision at all times. You are accountable to all adults connected with this camp.
  8. Fireworks, firearms, illegal drugs, tobacco and intoxicants of any kind are not permitted.
  9. Curfew will be enforced: 10:30p in your sleeping quarters - 11:00p lights out.
  10. Obtain the chaperon's permission before leaving your group for any purpose.
  11. Respect your surroundings and lodging. Should anything be damaged, notify your chaperon IMMEDIATELY. If damage is found after check out, you may be held responsible for restitution.
  12. Respect others privacy. Boys are not permitted in girls sleeping accommodations, nor are girls permitted in boys sleeping accommodations, unless approved and/or accompanied by a chaperon.
  13.  Attendance at instructional sessions and scheduled activities is required, unless excused by your chaperon. Show respect for our volunteer instructors, be prompt or ahead of time.
  14. The camp directors, along with the committee, will set guidelines for the group.
  15. Violation of any of these rules is grounds for dismissal of individuals or groups and forfeiture of all fees. Parents will be promptly notified. Individuals so dismissed must call parent or guardian to arrange transportation home at their own expense.

It is not possible to anticipate every possible situation. In the absence of a rule regarding a specific activity or situation, the chaperon in charge has the authority to interpret rules and resolve problems not addressed in the above mentioned rules.